Ralph's Grocery Store has a Community Rewards program and Megan's Wings just became Ralph's newest charity! Shop at Ralph's? Consider selecting Megan's Wings as your charity to support!
Similar to the AmazonSmiles program, Ralph's gives a small percentage of a customer's grocery total to their selected charity. We're excited to give our supporters a new way to support Megan's Wings that doesn't cost a penny, but is a big win for Megan's Wings! See below steps to signup.
Step 1 - To participate, visit https://www.ralphs.com
Step 2 - Log in to your Ralph's account. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic info, email address and a rewards card.
Step 3 - Once signed in, scroll down to the bottom of the page. Under COMMUNITY, click on Kroger Community Rewards. (Ralph's is owned by Kroger)
Step 4 - Search for MEGAN'S WINGS INC or use our Non-profit #: UU536, then click save.
Step 5 - Every time you use your loyalty card or type in your alternate ID phone number, you'll be supporting Megan's Wings! Thank you for your support and happy shopping!
Support Megan's Wings with every Ralph's purchase! Link your Ralph's Rewards Card through kroger community rewards using Non-profit #UU536. Every shop counts! Want to share feedback? visit Www.Kroger.com/feedback to improve your shopping experience.